
Friday, March 11, 2011

Week 10

I cannot believe how fast it has been. We are at the end of this great learning experience. I want to think that this is just the begining for great things ahead of us as educators. With all this resources we are all set to continue implementing and learning more about them.

I would like to see you all in the future and see how this experience has turned out in your own contexts. My honor working and learning with you!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Week 9

Final Project Due. What a great week! we were pretty busy, but it was all worth it! My students have enjoyed the use of web resources in my course and they have a more postive attitude towards learning and do their part.

I am trying new tools and I am using TBL with it. Basically I demostrated to them in a class presentation, they use it and then they write about how can they use it in their ESL classes as teachers. Although, not all are teaching currently, they are making contributions as providing opinions on the use of web tools in ESL classrooms. Which is great I think!
Visual Poetry -

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Week 8

I spent this week learning more and more about web resources. It has been very productive yet challenging in selecting what works better for my students and their needs. I've tried different resources and tried to implement them in my class these last couple of weeks. So far, they have responded very positive to more technology tools.

They are a technology generation, they are use to create, implement and discover new things. I was trilled when some of them told they've use some of the resources I've shared in their own classrooms *my ss are BA Applied Linguistics Group some are already working as ESL teachers before their graduation.

So I'll say I finish this week, exhausted, happy, and busy.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Week 3

This week we got into technology a bit more. I found very interesting readings and tools regarding the use of technology in the ESL/EFL classroom. We read about CALL and all shared our experiences and opinions on it. We talked about the use of real materials for different activities and I personally learned a lot from the great people I am taking this course with.

Delicious is a very useful tool for me to keep my bookmarks organized. I'll need to start adding all from my laptop, so I can have access to them everywhere.

I really appreciate your contributions and comments, that's the best part I think of this on-line course, thank you all.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Objectives and New sites

This week has been very productive for me. I've learned a lot from new search sites. It's great to be able to share with other colleagues from other places and school contexts. One thing that was very significant for me this week, was to get to know the ABCD framework to write objectives. Right now, the Language Center I work for is redesigning its ESL programs and I think it's a great opportunity for me to be able to get to know about the latest trends on curriculum design so we can use them to improve our students learning outcomes.

I found it quite challenging sometimes to put it all together, methodology, evaluation, tasks, content. However the more I read and learn it becomes fascinating for me because it gives me the opportunity to experiment and try new things on my teaching practice.

I am additionally working in a government program on teacher education for elementary students. Our state has implemented a very ambitious program where ESL teaching has been taken to every single elementary school in the state, even to the most remote village. So far the program has survived over the last 6 years. There are still a lot of work to do, especially training those 1400 teachers. I've been working in this for the last two years or so.

I think all these resources will be very helpful for me in order to improve the teaching quality we offer in the university but most important, that we use them in order to help the elementary teachers to take them to the classrooms.

"In times of change, those who are
prepared to learn will inherit the land,
while those who think they already know
will find themselves wonderfully equipped
to face a world that no longer exists.
Eric Hoffer"

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Week 1 Getting started...

This is my first blog. I intend to use this as a helpful tool for my classes and students. I am very excited about this course. I teach in a state university on Northern Mexico. But also I am involved in a project where we are training elementary teachers to become bilingual teachers so that they can teach ESL students even in the very remote areas.

Since my state is very close to the US border, the intention of the project we are working on is that we can have bilingual grads with more opportunities for employment and to produce better ESL teachers, so they can reach young learners with a more quality education.

I am here to learn from you all!
